
The Pflege of Bichon Frize

"The dog is the showcase of its owner!"

There Bichon

is not subject to seasonal coat change. It has a curly, pure white, long and single-layered coat, which consists exclusively of top hair and is constantly growing. As soon as growth has stopped, the dead hair falls out, gets caught in the coat and must be brushed out, otherwise it causes severe matting which can be very painful. It is difficult to get a tangled coat under control again.

  • Cut


  • Eyes

    For daily gentle cleansing of the eye area, I always use Jean Peau eye care. The eye care is dripped onto a cotton pad and then the eye area is thoroughly wiped with it. Trim the fur around the eyes a little so that no fur can get caught in the eyes, otherwise they will tear more.

    If tears have caused a moist area under the eyes, this area should be dried out, as bacteria or yeast can settle there and irritate the eye even more.


    The ears must be regularly freed of hair, which is plucked with tweezers, plucking pliers or your fingers. Please do not cut the fur with scissors, as the cut ends of the hair could irritate the ear and the constant scratching could cause a serious ear infection. The puppy does not like this procedure at first, so you should pluck a few hairs gently but firmly more often; he will quickly get used to it. After plucking, the ear is cleaned with a cotton swab moistened with ear cleaner.

    If you notice wax buildup, redness, or a foul odor, or if your dog is scratching his ears and shaking his head, take him to the vet to make sure he doesn't have an ear infection.


    To cut the claws you need a claw clipper.

    Basically, you should start by cutting the dog's claws every 14 days, so you get a feel for how quickly the dog's claws grow back. The longer the claw grows, the longer the nerve tract becomes. If you cut the claw at short intervals, the nerve tract will continue to recede. It is better to cut the claws more often, but less of them will be removed.

    Trim the claw in good light, so you can see the shining through nerve tract particularly well and cut directly to it. For dark claws, it is recommended to work forward in millimeter-thin slices until you see a small gray, white or pink dot; this is where the nerve tract begins and you should not remove any more than that.

    If the claw has been cut too far, wipe it with some tissue paper. The pain will pass quickly and it usually won't bleed for very long.


    Dental treatment should not only involve a one-time dental treatment at the vet.

    It is also very important that the necessary attention is paid to dental health in the interests of prevention at home. Unfortunately, after just a few days, plaque turns back into tartar and inflammation begins in the mouth.

    The most important positive influencing factors include the quality of the food and regular dental hygiene through brushing.

    The teeth are brushed in gentle rotating movements for a few minutes. The vulnerable areas should be cleaned particularly carefully. Brushing teeth is about removing plaque and stopping the disease process early.

    Brushing your teeth is only successful if you do it at least twice a week for about five minutes. If the intervals are longer, tartar will start to form.

    To prevent gum disease and bad breath, your Bichon's teeth should be brushed at least twice a week for about five minutes.

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