Your puppy is coming home


Yes, the date of arrival of the long-awaited Bichon puppy is approaching. You have already stocked up on the most important utensils and comfort items for him and made all the preparations that you probably discussed with the breeder beforehand.

Let's go... A water bowl, a roll of kitchen paper, a dog blanket and a transport box for the journey home are packed and they set off...


In the best case scenario, your breeder will carefully introduce you to your puppy and will of course be available to answer any questions you may have over a cup of coffee. Please make a note beforehand to remind yourself of any questions you would forget anyway. Now you can start your journey home well prepared.

The puppy should not be left alone during the journey, so it is advisable to pick him up in pairs. Keep in touch with him, then he will not feel so lonely and will find trust. He has now been torn from his pack and his usual community and must first find his way around in his new surroundings. Your puppy will thank you. On longer journeys, take one or two breaks and just let him run around in the grass for a bit, your protégé will not leave your side.

Now the time has come, your new family member is moving in.

Of course, everyone wants to greet and pet the little new creature, but remember that the puppy has just left its familiar home and everything is new and overwhelming for it. Please do not invite the whole family, friends and acquaintances who want to see it, but give it peace and the time it needs to settle in at home. Introduce it to its new home carefully, it will quickly start to explore it. Offer the puppy fresh water and something to eat straight away, because the breeder will have made sure that it does not start the journey home with a full stomach. And then... of course, go outside, explore the walking area and, ideally, use it straight away :-). Praise your protégé exuberantly if it sees it that way too.

Please remember that you still have a puppy (baby) that needs plenty of rest and sleeps a lot. Show him his basket or enclosure and let him have some peace and quiet.

At night, it is advisable to let the puppy sleep in a dog crate or a dog enclosure. The sleeping place should be near you at night so that you can hear when the puppy makes a noise. He will not do his business in his bed, as he does not like that and this is how he draws attention to himself.
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