Breed standard

Breed standard


SECRETARIAT GENERAL 13 Place Albert 1*’ B - 6530 Thum (Belgicque)

02.09.2016 / EN

FCI-Standard N° 215


TRANSLATION: Ian Nicholson. Original version: (FR)

Standard revised and updated by Dr. C. Guintard.

ORIGIN: Franco-Belgian.

PATRONAGE: France and Belgium.


STANDARD: 04.04.2016.

UTILIZATION: Companion dog.

F.C.I. CLASSIFICATION: Group 9 Companion and toy dogs.

Section l Bichons and related breeds

-l.l Bichons.

Without working trial.


brought to France from Italy during the Renaissance. As it looked

like a very small Barbet, it was given the name of “barbichon” which

was then shortened to “bichon”. In the l7th and 18th centuries, many

renowned painters depicted these little dogs which accompanied

kings, nobles and other noteworthy persons. The breed came back

into fashion under Napoleon III, and it was known at that time as the

“Ténériffe”. It was then popularized, becoming well-liked in both

Belgium and France. It almost disappeared after the two world wars.

It is thanks to the passion of a few French and Belgian breeders that a

population was able to be reconstituted. The first dog, registered in

Belgium, was Pitou, born on 23“ March 1924 and was registered in

the Belgian studbook (LOSH) in 1932. N° l in the French studbook

(LOF) was attributed to Ida, a female Bichon Frisé on 18m October

l934. The current French name — Bichon at poil frise — was given in

1978 and was recognized as a Franco-Belgian breed.

FCI-St. N° 215 /02.09.2016


GENERAL APPEARANCE: A cheerful little dog, with a lively

gait and very loose, white corkscrew-curled hair. Head carried

proud; the eyes are dark, lively and expressive. The tail is carried

gracefully curved over the back.

IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS: The Bichon Frisé is longer than it

is tall, the length of the body (from the point of the shoulder to the

point of the buttock) is greater than the height at the withers. The

body is rectangular.

The ratio of the length of the skull to the length of the muzzle is 3 to


The depth of the chest is equal to the height measured from the floor

to the elbows.

BEHAVIOUR AND TEMPERAMENT: It is a true companion dog

which can be taken anywhere without trouble. It is neither nervous

nor does it often bark, it is very sociable towards both people and

dogs, even if it does not know them. It has a great capacity to adapt

and is very attached to its masters.

HEAD: In good proportion with the body. The eyes and nose, being

three easily visible black points on an otherwise white head, should

form an equilateral triangle.


m: Rather flat to the touch, although the furnishings make it

appear rounded. The frontal furrow is slightly pronounced. The skull

is longer than the muzzle. It is not as wide as it is long and makes up

3/5 of the length of the head. The superciliary ridges are not too


$12: Marked, but not too pronounced.


mz Rounded, black, finely grained and glossy.

Muzzle: Very wide at the base, not becoming much thinner towards

the nose, it forms 2/5 of the length of the head. Straight nose bridge,

neither down-pointing nor up-tilting.

FCI-St. N° 215 /02.09.2016


Lug: Fine, rather lean, falling only enough to cover the lower lip, but

never heavy or pendulous; they are normally pigmented black up to

the corner. The lower lip must not be heavy, visible or slack. The

corner of the lips is well closed and does not allow the inner side of

the lips to be seen.

Jaws/teeth: The upper and lower jaws are wide, each one with six

evenly set incisors. Scissor bite is preferred; pincer bite is tolerated.

Full dentition is preferred.

Cheeks: Flat.

W: Very dark, medium-sized, rather round in shape, neither

almond-shaped nor protruding. They must not be set obliquely. The

pigmentation of the eye rims must be completely black. When the

dog is looking forwards, the whites of the eyes should not be


m: The ears are drooping and are well-furnished with profuse hair.

They are attached above the eye-line, forming an equilateral triangle,

and hang vertically along the cheeks. When they are pulled forward,

the leathers should reach at least the corner of the lips, and at the

most should reach the middle of the muzzle. The ears are mobile,

especially when something catches the dog’s attention.

NECK: Quite long, carried high and proudly. It is round and slim

near the skull, gradually broadening to fit smoothly into the

shoulders. Its length is approximately a third of its body length.

Without dewlap.


Topline: Straight, approximately horizontal up to the base of the tail.

Withers: Quite marked.

Back: Horizontal, well-muscled.

Q: Wide and well-muscled, slightly arched.

Croup: Wide, slightly rounded, very slightly sloping.

W Well-developed, well let down to the elbows, deep brisket, the

floating ribs are well sprung and do not end abruptly, the chest being

rather long.

FCI-St. N° 215 /02.09.2016


Underline and line of the belly: The underside of the chest rises

slightly towards the line of the belly, which is moderately tucked up.

The flanks are well tucked up; the skin is fine and not loose.

TAIL: Attached moderately high, slightly below the line of the back,

it is carried raised and gracefully curved in line with the spine,

without being rolled up or docked. The extremity of the tail,

regardless of the hair, does not touch the dog’s back. The tail

furnishings may fall onto the back. The tail must not hang when the

dog is moving.



General appearance: Seen from the front, the forelegs are straight.

Moderate bone.

Shoulder: Well laid back.

Upper arm: Forming good angulation with the shoulders.

Elbows: Close to chest.

Forearm: Straight and perpendicular seen from all sides.

Pastern: Short and straight seen from the front, very slightly sloping

seen from the side.

@: Tight, round and well knuckled up, neither turned inward nor

outwards, the pads must be black and the nails should preferably be



General appearance: The pelvis is broad. The hind legs are well

muscled and seen from behind, they are parallel to each other. They

are vertical.

Thigh: broad and well muscled.

Stifle joint tkneej: Well angulated, neither turning in nor out.

Lower thigh: Approximately the same length as the thigh.

Hock joint: Set low and well marked.

Rear pasterns: Lean, without dewclaws.

FCI-St. N° 215 /02.09.2016


@: Tight, round and well knuckled up, neither turned inward nor

outwards, the pads must be black and the nails should preferably be


GAIT/MOVEMENT: Quick-moving, free, covering a lot of ground.

When trotting, the head is carried high, the tail is well curved over

the back. Hind legs have good drive. Parallel tracking.

SKIN: Stretched tight over all the body; dark pigmentation is

preferred; however, it does not influence the colour of the hair. The

scrotum should preferably be black.


Hair; Profuse coat. The hair of the outer coat forms loose spiral curls

(this is the curly structure). The soft and dense undercoat must be

present. The coat is neither flat nor corded, neither woolly, nor


Colour: Pure white. However, before 12 months of age, the coat can

have the tendency to be slightly beige (champagne), but this tinge

must not cover more than 10% of the dog.


Height at the withers: 25 to 29 cm.

A tolerance of 1 cm taller is accepted for males,

A tolerance of 2 cm lower is accepted for females,

provided that the proportions remain balanced and that the sexual

dimorphism is well marked.

Weight: Approximately 5 kg, in proportion with the size.


Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a

fault, and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded

should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the

health and welfare of the dog.

FCI-St. N° 215 /02.09.2016




Temperament: A dog which is lacking in self-assurance.

Head: Pointed muzzle.

Nose: Loss ofpigmentation.

Lips: Pink or partially depigmented, slack corners of the lips.

Eyes: Light-coloured, incomplete pigmentation of the eye rims,

visible whites of the eyes. The coat under the eyes should not

have traces of lacrimal secretions.

so Chest: Underdeveloped.

<20 Tail: Rolled up, curled in a ring, raised perpendicularly or

dropped whilst in movement.

00 Limbs: Insufficient angulations.

oo Hair: Not profuse enough and/or incorrect curl, causing the coat

to be open or flattened.

00 Colour: Colouring in the coat (except for dogs under the age of

12 months).






oo Aggressive or overly shy dogs.

00 Any dog clearly showing any physical or behavioural

abnonnalities will be disqualified.

oo Dentition: Prognathism (overshot or undershot).

00 Total depigmentation of the nose, lip edges and rims of the


w Eyes: Small, almond-shaped, protruding, too light or wall eye.

oo Hair: Total lack of curly structure.

00 Colour: Any colour other than white in the coat on subjects over

the age of 12 months.

<20 Size: Outside tolerated measurements.

oo General appearance: Any evidence of dwarfism.

oo General build: Any dog whose general build fits into a square.

FCI-St. N° 215 /02.09.2016



co Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles

fully descended into the scrotum.

00 Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with breed typical

conformation, should be used for breeding.


Clipping is accepted.

Head: The ears, beard and moustache are shortened and sculpted so

as to give the head either a round or a bell shape.

Body: In order to give the impression of elegance and slenderness,

the hair is shortened (but not less than 3 cm) on the loins and the

flanks. The underside of the belly is furnished with hair.

Limbs and feet: Cylindrical aspect.

Tail: Must not be clipped.

FCI-St. N° 215 /02.09.2016

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